Daily progress: June 3

For our most recent family meal, we pulled out about 7 carrots to make the carrot muffins. We still have some large carrots growing. Our tomato plant has some tomatoes that are almost ripe for picking! We are preparing to make tomato sauce for our spaghetti for this week's family meal. The lettuce next to the tomato plant is growing even larger, and the radishes are almost ready to be pulled out permanently. 
Daily progress: May 28
Daily progress: May 28

The green onions have grown thicker and longer. The radish plants are dying out, but the tomato plant is doing very well and the green tomatoes are growing larger and turning yellow. The lettuce next to the tomato plant is growing larger in diameter and height. 
Daily progress: May 16
Daily progress: May 16

There are more little green tomatoes that are visible on the tomato plant. The green bean and pea plants are growing taller, and the vines have reached the top of the post. There are too many flowers growing on the radishes, and we need to cut the stems soon. 

Mon, May 13, 2013


Daily progress: May 13

We took out the bok choy plants because they were not growing anymore. We planted some more lettuce leaves next to the tomato plant, which has been doing very well. There are at least 5 little green tomatoes that are growing on the plant, and even more flowers are preparing to grow. The radishes are getting very tall, and we are preparing to cut the stems soon.

Tue, May 7, 2013


Daily progress: May 7
Daily progress: May 7

Somebody moved our peace sign stick, and it made our pea and green bean vines collapse. The green onions are growing longer, and the radishes have grown taller but not larger. The lettuce has grown taller and larger, and so has the tomato plant. We planted some normal-sized carrots between the mini carrots and the radishes. 

Wed, May 1, 2013


Daily progress: May 1
Daily progress: May 1

There are a lot of flowers on the bok choy, and after we took this picture, we pinched off the flowers. The carrots aren't very visible behind the bok choy, but they have grown wider. The arugula has grown taller. There is not much change visible in the radishes. The tomato plant is growing taller, too.
Daily progress: April 24
Daily progress: April 24

The tomato plant has grown a lot! There are some flowers on it, which means that there will soon be a mini tomato growing. In addition to the success of the tomato plant, the radishes, carrots, beans, peas, and lettuce are all flourishing.
Daily progress: April 23
Daily progress: April 23

The garden has just been watered, so the soil looks fresh and moisturized. The bok choy looks less pale today, and the beans, peas, tomatoes, carrots, radishes, and lettuce have all grown larger. 
Daily progress: April 18

We noticed that the radishes are growing too closely together, so we relocated some of them to an area with empty soil. The tomato plant is doing very well, and has grown taller. The lettuce leaves are remaining a light green color, but have grown taller as well.
Daily progress: April 16
Daily progress: April 16

We recently moved the peace sign stick from the bottom corner to the middle of the pea plants, so that the vines can grow vertically rather than spread out on the soil. The bok choy leaves are yellowing more. The radishes, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, and arugula are growing.