Our tomato plant began to prosper, and since it was growing in the southwest corner of our garden, it shaded a lot of other plants during the day. The plant was so tall that we eventually resorted to cutting some branches off, and tried to reposition some plants so they would get enough sunlight.

When we first began our garden, we planted the seeds too close together. This was a big problem with our carrot seeds and our radish seeds. Before long, the plants began fighting for space in the small area provided. This resulted in some deformities in our plants, and some mini carrots even became combined into one larger carrot.

There were a lot of invasive weed species in our garden, which stunted the growth of our plants. While there are several easy home solutions to this, we simply pulled out and disposed of the weeds.


    Just starting your own garden? No worries! You've come to the right place! Making your own garden can seem, at first glance, tedious and in need of too much work, but it's worth the time and effort! You will be able to grow your own food and feed your family with a stable food supply!

    Let's get started!

      Any Questions?


    May 2013

