Thu, Feb 28, 2013


Daily progress: February 28

After getting plants from Armstrong, we have newly planted seeds fresh in the soil. We are very anxious, but at the same time have high expectations for the Victory Garden.

Wed, Feb 27, 2013


Daily progress: February 27

During the first few days of our garden, we went to Armstrong to buy seedlings. In the top right corner of the garden, we planted a mini tomato plant (from Armstrong). Underneath the mini tomato plant are several mini carrots (also from Armstrong). Underneath the mini carrots are seedlings of bok choy (from Armstrong). To the left of the mini tomato plant are some leaves of lettuce. In the top left corner of the garden are seedlings of arugula lettuce, which began as seeds. Underneath the arugula lettuce are radish seedlings, which also began as seeds. In the bottom right corner of the garden are pea plants.
The picture of the garden from February 28 (the next day) is fairly similar to this picture, and there is no visible progress.

Mon, Feb 25, 2013


Victory Garden's mascot: Peace Sign! Some influential figures relating to this sign are Richard Nixon and Winston Churchill.